The Coronavirus has spread across the world and most countries, including the UAE, have taken precautionary measures and adopted a Nationwide Disinfection Programme. This entails week-long, Coronavirus disinfection of public utilities and facilities, thereby, urging residents to stay home and practice social distancing.
Here’s how you, too, can take steps to protect yourself from Coronavirus and limit its spread to others
But first, we need to understand how the Coronavirus spreads. Coronavirus spreads through droplets and surface contact. For instance, when someone infected sneezes or coughs into the air around you, you have a high chance of getting infected. It can also spread through contact. For example, if someone infected sneezes or coughs into their hand, then touches a door handle and other high-touch surfaces, and you also come to touch these surfaces, there’s a high chance you will contract the Coronavirus. Other common Influenza viruses and common cold viruses are also spread this way.
Health experts are urging people to stay home if they can. If you may need to go outside to buy supplies or work, take preventive measures and act responsibly. Staying at home helps flatten the curve of people getting infected with the Coronavirus.
This is the best way to prevent Coronavirus and prevent other respiratory illnesses. Practicing a good hygiene is essential. Start by washing your hands the proper way for at least 20 to 30 seconds to remove germs and viruses. You can use a hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
By now, schools have been suspended, public parks and malls have also stopped operations. Restaurants have also closed and will have limited operations. Stay informed about the latest news and updates by local government entities. Only trust reliable sources and don’t be easily swayed by fake news and follow these set guidelines for your safety.
Prevention is always better than cure. Boost your immune system by constantly taking vitamins, eating healthy food, regularly exercising, and getting enough sleep. You are more fit to fight illnesses when you are healthy.
The government and health authorities are doing their best to contain the pandemic. There’s no need to panic. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, so keep both in check. High-stress levels can cause your immune system to crash. Stay calm and meditate.
It is important to regularly and thoroughly clean surfaces, such as countertops and doorknobs, with a disinfectant in your home. This gets rid of harmful viruses and bacteria temporarily. A more effective and permanent way to kill viruses and bacteria is through experts who provide Coronavirus disinfection services, who are equipped with the latest technologies in disinfection.
Saniservice offers Total Disinfection Solutions that eliminate Coronavirus and prevent it from growing in your home or office. Our Coronavirus Disinfection solutions kill 99.9999% of viruses and bacteria through different application methods: (1) Hospital-Grade Fogging (2) High-Pressure Steam and (3) Electrostatic Spray Technology.
Our solutions are 100% Chemical-Free, Eco-Friendly, and certified Human-Grade (safe for humans and pets). Discover more about our Coronavirus Disinfection Services today.